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Clearwater Estate Planning & Probate Attorney > Palm Harbor Elder Law Attorney

Palm Harbor Elder Law Attorney

As we grow older, we face many changes with respect to our medical, financial, and living situations. With these changes comes a number of legal issues that need to be addressed, such as planning for the possibility of moving into a nursing home or preparing a will. Fortunately, you do not have to deal with these subjects on your own.

Our experienced Palm Harbor elder law attorney can provide you with guidance, advice, and legal representation on a wide range of legal matters. William Rambaum is a Florida Bar Board Certified Elder Law Specialist with over 35 years of experience helping Pinellas County residents live out their golden years in safety and security knowing their legal needs are attended to. So whether you need to talk about revising your will or applying for Medicaid, his office can make sure you understand all of your options before taking action.

What Is Covered by Florida Elder Law?

As one of just a select few members of the Florida Bar to hold an Elder Law Certification, William Rambaum has been tested and certified to advise seniors on legal matters particularly relevant to them, including:

  • Asset Protection: Palm Harbor residents who need long-term care in a nursing home often face difficulty qualifying for Medicaid because they are over the asset limit. We can help you in legally protecting what assets you do have while still meeting your long-term care needs.
  • Estate Planning: A comprehensive Florida estate plan includes not just a will but should also include advance directives and powers of attorney to ensure there are people you trust who can make decisions for you should you become incapacitated during your lifetime.
  • Guardianship: When the parents of a minor child have died, or an adult is deemed unable to manage their own affairs, it is necessary for a Florida court to step in and appoint a guardian. Our elder law attorney represents both potential guardians and wards in such proceedings.
  • Medicaid: Qualifying and applying for Medicaid is often an overwhelming process for seniors who are simply looking to ensure their healthcare needs are met as they age. Our office can explain the process to you and represent you in dealing with state officials.
  • Nursing Home Planning: The best time to prepare for moving into a nursing home is long before you need to do so. We advise many Pinellas County residents on how to begin the transition to nursing home care while they are still in full possession of their physical and mental capacities.
  • Probate: Once a Florida senior has passed away, their estate is administered through a court-supervised process known as probate. Our attorney assists personal representatives and estate administrators in carrying out their responsibilities to the probate court.

A Palm Harbor Elder Law Attorney Can Help

Many people do not look forward to growing older. The future is often unknown and scary. One way to address your fears is to work with an experienced Palm Harbor elder law attorney who can make sure you are prepared for what may come next. Contact the offices of William Rambaum today at 727-781-5357 to schedule an appointment.

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